Groomer Shed Fundraiser Update
Hello Club Members -
With the start of another winter season quickly approaching, we wanted to give an update on the groomer shed fundraiser.
Quotes have been obtained from multiple companies for a building with approximate dimensions of 60’W x 54’L x 15’H. The building will be insulated, heated, and plumbed with a bathroom. Our hope is to not only use this building for groomer storage, but as a meeting place and office.
Electrical, septic, well-drilling, plumbing and heating have also been quoted by Sugar Camp businesses and individuals, many of which have graciously volunteered to donate time or give substantial discounts.
After rounding up quotes, our goal is to raise roughly $250,000.
Current balance in shed donation account - $7,452.61.
We understand this objective will take time and quotes will change, which is why the
goal amount is approximate.
For all you have donated already, thank you! There will be a plaque or some other form of acknowledgment recognizing all who contributed to this dream mounted inside the building upon completion, with levels of contribution distinguished as follows:
- Gold - $10,000 and above
- Silver - $5,000 - $10,000
- Bronze - $2,500 - $5,000
Besides personal donations, the club will use one or more of its fundraiser events this year to raise money specifically for this project. More details to come on that. If you have other specific questions about how your gift is being used, or other club inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
The Sugar Camp Survivors Snowmobile Club is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, so any donations of money, land or other assets can be written off. Tax ID: 39-1175794. Donations can be mailed to Sugar Camp Snowmobile Club, Attn: Debby Running, 3761 County Hwy. A, Rhinelander, WI 54501
With the start of another winter season quickly approaching, we wanted to give an update on the groomer shed fundraiser.
Quotes have been obtained from multiple companies for a building with approximate dimensions of 60’W x 54’L x 15’H. The building will be insulated, heated, and plumbed with a bathroom. Our hope is to not only use this building for groomer storage, but as a meeting place and office.
Electrical, septic, well-drilling, plumbing and heating have also been quoted by Sugar Camp businesses and individuals, many of which have graciously volunteered to donate time or give substantial discounts.
After rounding up quotes, our goal is to raise roughly $250,000.
Current balance in shed donation account - $7,452.61.
We understand this objective will take time and quotes will change, which is why the
goal amount is approximate.
For all you have donated already, thank you! There will be a plaque or some other form of acknowledgment recognizing all who contributed to this dream mounted inside the building upon completion, with levels of contribution distinguished as follows:
- Gold - $10,000 and above
- Silver - $5,000 - $10,000
- Bronze - $2,500 - $5,000
Besides personal donations, the club will use one or more of its fundraiser events this year to raise money specifically for this project. More details to come on that. If you have other specific questions about how your gift is being used, or other club inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
The Sugar Camp Survivors Snowmobile Club is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, so any donations of money, land or other assets can be written off. Tax ID: 39-1175794. Donations can be mailed to Sugar Camp Snowmobile Club, Attn: Debby Running, 3761 County Hwy. A, Rhinelander, WI 54501
January Newsletter
Hello Club Members, Jan 9, 2024
It seems as though we find ourselves in a familiar situation. And not one that any of us would
have hoped for. But, there is still time, so keep thinking snow!
We’ll start with thank yous. The annual trail cleaning day went off without a hitch once again
thanks to the large group of volunteers that showed up ready to work. The trails are in tip top
shape and ready for riders....minus snow. Rummy and crew put on a nice lunch following the
workday. Thanks Rummy!
Next, thanks to everyone who came out for the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser last month.
Everything went smoothly thanks to all the volunteers that showed up and chipped in. And to
everyone else that came out, ate dinner and participated in the raffles, your contribution to the
club is greatly appreciated.
Pitlik’s Winter Regatta is right around the corner - Jan. 24-25. Quick re-cap, Pitlik's hosts this
event and has asked the Snowmobile Club for volunteers again.
Last year they asked for volunteers and promised us a $5,000 donation as a thank you for
our help. They threw this event to provide a fun weekend and to raise money for the
community. It went very well and they ended up donating $10,000 to our club.
With that extreme generosity in mind, please sign up to volunteer this year if you have the time.
You can find a signup sheet on our club Facebook page, or reach out via email.
You might as well mark your calendars now for the annual Ice Fishing Jamboree. The 50th
annual will be Saturday, Feb. 15 at Pitlik’s Sand Beach Resort.
We hope to see you at the next meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 14, 7:00 p.m., at the Sugar Camp
groomer shed.
It seems as though we find ourselves in a familiar situation. And not one that any of us would
have hoped for. But, there is still time, so keep thinking snow!
We’ll start with thank yous. The annual trail cleaning day went off without a hitch once again
thanks to the large group of volunteers that showed up ready to work. The trails are in tip top
shape and ready for riders....minus snow. Rummy and crew put on a nice lunch following the
workday. Thanks Rummy!
Next, thanks to everyone who came out for the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser last month.
Everything went smoothly thanks to all the volunteers that showed up and chipped in. And to
everyone else that came out, ate dinner and participated in the raffles, your contribution to the
club is greatly appreciated.
Pitlik’s Winter Regatta is right around the corner - Jan. 24-25. Quick re-cap, Pitlik's hosts this
event and has asked the Snowmobile Club for volunteers again.
Last year they asked for volunteers and promised us a $5,000 donation as a thank you for
our help. They threw this event to provide a fun weekend and to raise money for the
community. It went very well and they ended up donating $10,000 to our club.
With that extreme generosity in mind, please sign up to volunteer this year if you have the time.
You can find a signup sheet on our club Facebook page, or reach out via email.
You might as well mark your calendars now for the annual Ice Fishing Jamboree. The 50th
annual will be Saturday, Feb. 15 at Pitlik’s Sand Beach Resort.
We hope to see you at the next meeting, Tuesday, Jan. 14, 7:00 p.m., at the Sugar Camp
groomer shed.
December Newsletter
Hello Club Members, Dec. 3, 2024
We’re off to a good start to the season! Snow on the ground and cold temperatures freezing up
swamps and lakes...Already better than last year!
This coming weekend is the annual Trail Cleanup Day - Saturday, Dec. 7. The past few years
we have seen the volunteer group for this grow tremendously, and we hope to see that support
again this year. Meet at the groomer shed at 8am.
We have had some high winds recently, and it sounds like there are a good amount of trees
down that will need clearing. Helpful items to bring are work gloves, cutting equipment like
chainsaws, handsaws, etc. Lunch will be provided at Rummy’s at 12pm following cleanup.
Thanks, Rummy!
Also coming up later this month, the annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser - Saturday, Dec. 28.
More raffles at this year’s event including a lot of paddle wheel cash raffles and a handful of
If anyone is interested in teaching snowmobile safety courses for kids getting into the sport,
please reach out to us. There are funds available this year to support those courses.
Thank you to all who have attended meetings so far this year and to those who have
volunteered their time for the club.
Until trails open, make sure your sleds are greased and ready to rip. And as always, think snow!
Hope to see you this weekend!
We hope to see you at the next meeting, Tuesday, December 10, 7:00 p.m., at the Sugar
Camp groomer shed.
We’re off to a good start to the season! Snow on the ground and cold temperatures freezing up
swamps and lakes...Already better than last year!
This coming weekend is the annual Trail Cleanup Day - Saturday, Dec. 7. The past few years
we have seen the volunteer group for this grow tremendously, and we hope to see that support
again this year. Meet at the groomer shed at 8am.
We have had some high winds recently, and it sounds like there are a good amount of trees
down that will need clearing. Helpful items to bring are work gloves, cutting equipment like
chainsaws, handsaws, etc. Lunch will be provided at Rummy’s at 12pm following cleanup.
Thanks, Rummy!
Also coming up later this month, the annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser - Saturday, Dec. 28.
More raffles at this year’s event including a lot of paddle wheel cash raffles and a handful of
If anyone is interested in teaching snowmobile safety courses for kids getting into the sport,
please reach out to us. There are funds available this year to support those courses.
Thank you to all who have attended meetings so far this year and to those who have
volunteered their time for the club.
Until trails open, make sure your sleds are greased and ready to rip. And as always, think snow!
Hope to see you this weekend!
We hope to see you at the next meeting, Tuesday, December 10, 7:00 p.m., at the Sugar
Camp groomer shed.
November Newsletter
Hello Club Members, Nov. 7, 2024
Do you feel that chilly weather finally setting in? Feels like a snowy winter to me.
There are a few events coming up in December that will be here before we know it. The first is
our annual Trail Cleanup Day on Saturday, Dec. 7. The past few years we have seen the
volunteer group for this grow tremendously and we hope to see that support again this year.
Meet at the groomer shed at 8am. Helpful items to bring are work gloves, cutting equipment like
chainsaws, handsaws, etc.
The town hall has been reserved for the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser - Saturday, Dec. 28. More
raffles at this year’s event!
Help wanted with the Spaghetti Dinner! We are looking for a volunteer to serve as the
Dinner/Kitchen Manager. Someone to head and handle the bulk cooking and organization.
Please reach out if you are willing and able to help.
Some of you may have noticed the poster placed near the Town Hall referencing the future site
of the proposed groomer shed we are fundraising to build. Stop by and check it out if you
haven’t yet!
Other than that, things are progressing as normal. Matt Winters has been out brushing trails
with the tractor and taking note of areas that need added work. Thanks Matt!
We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and enjoys the remainder of the fall season.
Think snow and see you Dec. 8th!
We hope to see you at the next meeting, Tuesday, November 12, 7:00 p.m., at the Sugar
Camp groomer shed.
Do you feel that chilly weather finally setting in? Feels like a snowy winter to me.
There are a few events coming up in December that will be here before we know it. The first is
our annual Trail Cleanup Day on Saturday, Dec. 7. The past few years we have seen the
volunteer group for this grow tremendously and we hope to see that support again this year.
Meet at the groomer shed at 8am. Helpful items to bring are work gloves, cutting equipment like
chainsaws, handsaws, etc.
The town hall has been reserved for the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser - Saturday, Dec. 28. More
raffles at this year’s event!
Help wanted with the Spaghetti Dinner! We are looking for a volunteer to serve as the
Dinner/Kitchen Manager. Someone to head and handle the bulk cooking and organization.
Please reach out if you are willing and able to help.
Some of you may have noticed the poster placed near the Town Hall referencing the future site
of the proposed groomer shed we are fundraising to build. Stop by and check it out if you
haven’t yet!
Other than that, things are progressing as normal. Matt Winters has been out brushing trails
with the tractor and taking note of areas that need added work. Thanks Matt!
We hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving, and enjoys the remainder of the fall season.
Think snow and see you Dec. 8th!
We hope to see you at the next meeting, Tuesday, November 12, 7:00 p.m., at the Sugar
Camp groomer shed.
October Newsletter
Hello all!
We are back and ready for another year, this one hopefully will bring some snow.
The beginning of the year brings a lot of planning for winter. We have been working on
nailing down dates for events and making sure we are covered for trail work that needs
to be done before the snow falls.
Club member Don Welch volunteered his time and efforts to host a golf tournament
fundraiser for the club this fall. The event took place on September 28th and saw good
turnout for the first year. Don is excited about next year and thinks the event will grow as
there was a lot of excitement among competitors. Thanks for taking that on, Don!
This year’s annual trail cleanup day will be Saturday, Dec. 8th, meet at the groomer
shed at 8am. The last few years, we have been blown away by the number of
volunteers that show up to this event. It makes for a very quick and enjoyable morning
of work, so we hope to see similar results this year.
Rummy’s has graciously volunteered to host the post-work lunch this year. Volunteers
are encouraged to head over there after trail work. Lunch will be served at 12pm.
Another date to mark on your calendars - The Spaghetti Dinner will be Dec. 28 this
year. More raffles expected and more details to come.
The past couple years, our fundraiser events have done quite well. Obviously, thanks to
all of you. It makes such a big difference for our club and trail system, and is more
important than ever with the lack of a snowmobile season last year.
For those not familiar with how it works, in short, clubs are given state funding based on
miles of groomed trails per year and maintenance done on the trails. Because no
grooming took place last year, the club will receive no funding from the state this
upcoming winter. The contributions you make and your participation in our events is so
important and so very appreciated. Thank you all!
We hope to see you at the next meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 8th, 7:00 p.m., at the Sugar Camp
groomer shed.
We are back and ready for another year, this one hopefully will bring some snow.
The beginning of the year brings a lot of planning for winter. We have been working on
nailing down dates for events and making sure we are covered for trail work that needs
to be done before the snow falls.
Club member Don Welch volunteered his time and efforts to host a golf tournament
fundraiser for the club this fall. The event took place on September 28th and saw good
turnout for the first year. Don is excited about next year and thinks the event will grow as
there was a lot of excitement among competitors. Thanks for taking that on, Don!
This year’s annual trail cleanup day will be Saturday, Dec. 8th, meet at the groomer
shed at 8am. The last few years, we have been blown away by the number of
volunteers that show up to this event. It makes for a very quick and enjoyable morning
of work, so we hope to see similar results this year.
Rummy’s has graciously volunteered to host the post-work lunch this year. Volunteers
are encouraged to head over there after trail work. Lunch will be served at 12pm.
Another date to mark on your calendars - The Spaghetti Dinner will be Dec. 28 this
year. More raffles expected and more details to come.
The past couple years, our fundraiser events have done quite well. Obviously, thanks to
all of you. It makes such a big difference for our club and trail system, and is more
important than ever with the lack of a snowmobile season last year.
For those not familiar with how it works, in short, clubs are given state funding based on
miles of groomed trails per year and maintenance done on the trails. Because no
grooming took place last year, the club will receive no funding from the state this
upcoming winter. The contributions you make and your participation in our events is so
important and so very appreciated. Thank you all!
We hope to see you at the next meeting, Tuesday, Oct. 8th, 7:00 p.m., at the Sugar Camp
groomer shed.