Welcome to the
Trail Report For: February 8th, 2025
Snow Cover: around 9" and currently rising! Trail Conditions: OPEN!!! We opened the trails finally yesterday! Snow was thin and conditions are very thin and Very Early Season but it is currently improving with active snowfall as I type this. Please ride with great caution and be watchful. There is not deep enough snow to yet fill in all the holes or to cover any rocks and other bumps. Thanks for your support. *** United we trail, divided we fail.*** Click here for links for trail conditions on nearby trail systems. Membership StatusCheck the AWSC website to view your membership status. After you purchase your Sugar Camp Snowmobile Club Membership, it will be sent to AWSC. It can take a couple weeks to go through. Thank You!
2024 Jamboree SponsorsSuperior Plumbing & Heating
Pitlik's Sand Beach Resort Hicks Fuel and Oil Dahl Automotive Trig's Selwyn Lake Outfitters Hearth Side Inn Hedberg Well Drilling AVFCO Northland Marine Olson Electric Sowinski Farms Superior Excavating & Concrete Nicolet National Bank Randy May White Stag Forward Bank Cross Country Bar & Grill Thanks To Pitlik's Sand Beach Resort On May 8th Pitlik's Sand Beach Resort hosted our annual Landowner and Member Appreciation Dinner. Traditionally the SCSC pays for this fun event. However, this year Pitlik's Resort has donated the meal to the Club as a thank you to all the landowners that make our Sugar Camp trail system one of the finest in the Northwoods. A huge thank you to the Pitlik and Wick families for their generosity. |